Going for the Gold:
From Injured Worker to Star Performer

How did Olympian Mary Lou Retton win a gold medal a few months after experiencing a serious knee injury? And more importantly for the workers’ compensation industry, how can we apply these “best practices” to help injured workers to heal and return to star performer status in the workplace?
Michelle Despres
Vice President, National Product Leader, One Call
Despres serves as a clinical liaison among payers, providers and One Call’s internal teams, helping to strategize to continually improve return to work results. She also mentors clinicians to improve their delivery of treatments and services to maximize work-ready outcomes.
Marcos Iglesias
Chief Medical Director, Vice President, Travelers
For 30 years, Dr. Iglesias' passion for helping workers live active, productive and fulfilling lives has led him to develop innovative comprehensive disability management solutions that focus on early identification of risk factors and appropriate early interventions to restore pre-injury function.